U.S. Postal Service trucks are tough, but when it comes to wild turkeys, that might be a different story.
A postal worker was trapped in his mail truck this week, surrounded by aggressive, wild turkeys that have been bothering him and residents in a Hillsdale, N.J. neighborhood for quite some time.
Police responded to the postal worker’s call for help Wednesday and scared off the hardened gang of gobblers by sounding off their sirens. You can hear the post master’s unusual 911 call below.
Residents of the Hillsdale neighborhood told a reporter at Pix 11 News that the wild turkeys are aggressive and that they felt sorry for the postal worker. The neighborhood borders a wetlands area that’s teeming with wildlife.
While no one spoke directly of hunting the birds, one resident did joke that if they get snowed in, they’ll have plenty to eat.
A search on YouTube reveals plenty of videos depicting wild turkeys going after postal trucks. One is posted below the 911 turkey call. In it, a Massachusetts resident talks about how the same bird keeps attacking the same mail truck. The reason? It might be the eagle on the back of the truck, he explains.
And everyone thought rain, sleet and snow were tough!