Volvo Trucks’ North American dealer network has surpassed more than 100 Certified Uptime Centers, the truck maker announced Thursday.
To qualify as a Volvo Certified Uptime Center, a dealer location must be fully proficient in 28 key categories related to efficient service and repair. They range from consistent use of proven diagnostic tools to workshop organization, in addition to the designated uptime bays and updated workflows. The certification takes about two months to complete and includes a final assessment by the Volvo Trucks dealer support team.
To be certified, dealers must implement numerous modifications to their service processes, including the designation of uptime bays for repairs taking less than four hours, as well as revised service workflows to speed repairs. These trucks are serviced immediately instead of the first-come, first-served practice commonly used for vehicle repairs. Certified Uptime Centers are fully integrated with other Volvo Trucks uptime solutions, including Remote Diagnostics and the Truck Diagnostic System and web-based service management tool, Volvo ASIST.
“The Uptime process has become part of our identity as a dealer group and an expected standard by our customers,” said Clay Claiborne, corporate service manager for Bruckner Truck Sales, which has achieved certification at all 22 of their locations.