While beached whales can still prove to be somewhat of a mystery, the reason behind beached trucks is simple: drivers will continue to pay a price when they unquestioningly follow their GPS.
That was the case recently in Corolla, N.C. when the driver of a Heartland Express rig followed the directions on his GPS and drove straight onto the Outer Banks beach off Route 12. He had been hoping to find a place to turn around, according to 13newsnow.com. He got plenty of comments on Facebook instead.
“He’s not dune ready. He needs to air down first,” wrote one Facebook user.
“The GPS told him to keep going. 3000 more miles and you will reach your destination. Australia is on your right,” wrote another.
After being stuck in the sand for two hours, a 60-ton wrecker saved the day and wenched the truck back onto the pavement, according to pilotonline.com.