Kevin Neal wins truck technician scholarship

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Kevin Neal, of Troy, Ohio, is the first recipient of the American Trucking Associations’ Technology and Maintenance Council/WyoTech Diesel Truck Technician Scholarship.

Guy Warpness, president of WyoTech’s Laramie, Wyo., campus, presented Neal with his scholarship at the campus on Oct. 2.

The scholarship is part of an ongoing effort by TMC’s Professional Technician Development Committee to promote and enhance the professionalism of commercial vehicle technicians. The scholarship is for 1,500-clock hours (nine months) attendance at WyoTech’s Laramie campus.

To be considered for the scholarship, a student must:

  • Have a sponsor who is a current dues-paying TMC member, or is employed/contracted by a company with at least one current dues-paying TMC member.
  • Include with the application a letter of recommendation from the sponsor.

    Applicants must be graduating from an accredited vocational, public, private or parochial high school. It is necessary for the applicant or applicant’s high school counselor to send TMC a high school transcript showing the most recent three years’ academic performance. WyoTech must accept applicants prior to award.

    A full application can be obtained by calling TMC at 703-838-1763 or downloaded at