uDrove now available

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Updated Feb 4, 2010

uDrove, LLC, an affiliate to the Internet Truckstop, announced a new compliance management tool for the trucking industry. The new tool, which has been in development for the past year, is called uDrove and currently runs on the GPS smart phone platforms from BlackBerry, iPhone and Android. The application replaces in-cab paperwork, the company says.

uDrove enables independent contractors, drivers and fleets to keep an electronic log of hours of service, track mileage for tax purposes, record fuel and business expenses and complete and electronically submit driver’s vehicle inspection reports and proof of delivery documents. The data collected can be exported to various third-party applications and services for tabulating fuel taxes and auditing logbooks, says Joel McGinley, executive consultant at uDrove.

The application also provides fleets and shippers with real-time load tracking from pick-up to delivery. When a driver starts a load, he can issue the customer and his fleet a unique tracking number to access the driver’s position on the uDrove website.

By accessing the uDrove website, drivers and fleet managers have instant access to compliance and business activity information that is transferred directly from the smart phone application. “uDrove allows truck drivers and fleets to effectively manage their business with just a phone and web site access,” McGinley says. “It pays for itself in just one day of use.”

uDrove says the software does not fit the definition of an electronic onboard recorder (EOBR) per the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. Rather, it is a computer assisted logbook. For compliance purposes, if drivers need to show their last eight days of electronic logs to an enforcement officer, they can either print out their log history from the uDrove website or show the officer their logs directly from their phone, McGinley says.

uDrove has established an online store for the easy purchase of uDrove-enabled smart phones and accessories that can be found at uDrove Wireless. uDrove is now available for owner-operators, drivers and fleets at $25 per month as a special introductory price, the company says, with the first 30 days for free.