Customers who order the American Trucking Associations’ “U.S. Freight Transportation Forecast to 2021” report by May 6 will receive free registration to an economic webinar exclusively for purchasers.
The webinar, to be held May 13 at 2 p.m. ET, will be hosted by ATA Vice President and Chief Economist Bob Costello, who will focus on the report’s key findings and answer participants’ questions about the economic state of the trucking industry and freight transportation.
As ATA’s premier economic planning resource, the forecast profiles the current state of the entire freight transportation industry and provides an outlook for all modes during the next decade. This report also includes historical data back to 1990. It is available as a CD, book or downloadable PDF.
Costello manages all of ATA’s collection, analysis and dissemination of trucking economic information, including several monthly trucking economic indicators, motor carrier financial and operating data, driver wage studies and a yearly trucking almanac. He often is cited in the news media as an expert on trucking economics, including the Wall Street Journal, Business Week, CNBC, FOX Business Channel and National Public Radio.
For more information or to order the forecast, go to or call 866-821-3468.