Truck industry to participate in Annual Energy Day on Capitol Hill

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Representatives of the American Trucking Associations will join executives and officials from every sector of the U.S. economy on Capitol Hill, Tuesday, Oct. 12, for the Consumer Energy Alliance’s 4th annual Energy Day. The event will address how the trucking industry and a wide variety of consumer-minded industries are developing and implementing strategies to conserve energy and improve efficiency while recognizing the need to continue developing America’s traditional and alternative energy resources.

Sustainability will take the spotlight at this year’s event, as CEA will release its “Sustainability Report 2010: Private Sector Leadership in Energy Efficiency, Conservation and Sustainability” and will hold a forum prior to its annual Congressional Reception. The Sustainability Forum – complemented by the release of the report – will feature CEA affiliates, industry stakeholders, government officials and leading experts discussing sustainability initiatives aimed at boosting energy efficiency, conservation and responsible energy management.

CEA Energy Day brings together government officials and their staff with representatives from a broad spectrum of business sectors – trucking, agriculture, airlines, manufacturing, small business and energy producers – and municipal governments to discuss energy strategies and their role in helping to create jobs, revitalize the economy and improve the nation’s energy security.