The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration wants to amend its proposal regarding establishment of the Unified Registration System required by the ICC Termination Act of 1995 and originally announced in a May 19, 2005, notice of proposed rulemaking. URS is the replacement system for several existing registration and information systems for motor carriers, property brokers and freight forwarders under FMCSA jurisdiction.
FMCSA’s supplemental notice of proposed rulemaking responds to comments to the 2005 URS notice of proposed rulemaking, incorporates new proposals implementing requirements imposed by final rules published after the 2005 URS notice of proposed rulemaking and includes new proposals to implement certain provisions of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU).
The agency believes the proposed URS would improve the registration process for motor carriers, property brokers, freight forwarders and other entities that register with FMCSA. To view the supplementary proposal or to comment, go to; the docket number is FMCSA-97-2349.