Penray recently named Jason Hall as its Heavy Duty Salesman of the Year and Larry Collet as its Automotive Division’s Salesman of the Year.
Hall has been with Penray for five years and is currently Midwest regional sales manager. “Jason has been an integral part of Penray’s success since coming to Penray, and this award recognizes his hard work and commitment to our heavy-duty division,” says Joe Long, director of sales, East region. “His eye for new business and nurturing spirit towards our current customers continues to make Jason a valuable part of the Penray team. We wish Jason continued success for many years to come.”
Collet has been with Penray for five years and is currently Southwest regional sales manager. “We are extremely fortunate to have Larry on board at Penray,” says Tony Costa, national sales director. “His aftermarket experience has been a valuable asset to many of our sales initiatives, and he has definitely added value to the Penray automotive division. His eye for new business and constant contact with our current customers continues to make Larry a valuable part of the Penray team. We wish Larry continued success for many years to come.”