Through the “Children’s Choice School Bus Driver of the Year” essay contest sponsored by Thomas Built Buses, now in its seventh consecutive year, students in kindergarten through sixth grade are invited to submit essays of at least 90 words to nominate their favorite school bus drivers. Through words and pictures, students can describe just what makes their school bus drivers so special. The winning essays will be featured on the Thomas Built Website when the judging is complete.
Entries must be postmarked by June 30. The child who nominates the grand prize winner will receive a laptop computer and $1,000 educational savings bond, and the nominated driver will receive a $1,000 Visa gift card. Grand prize winners and top finalists also will receive Thomas Built Buses jackets and Saf-T-Liner C2 school bus lunch boxes. To enter the contest, go to for complete rules and an entry form.
Completed forms and typed or legibly printed essays of at least 90 words should be mailed to Children’s Choice Essay Contest, HMH, 1435 W. Morehead St., Suite 140, Charlotte, NC 28208.