A Schneider National operating center south of Dallas was hit Tuesday, April 3, as tornadoes crossed through the region. Video showed trucks being thrown into the air and tossed around by the storms, with trailers left scattered and torn apart. There have been no reports of death or serious injury caused by the storms, however.
Erin Elliot, spokeswoman for Schneider, said initial reports indicate no damage to the facility’s building, but “massive damage to our trucks and our trailers located in the yard area.” There were 254 trucks and 204 trailers on site at the time the storm hit, she said.
Roughly 65 office and maintenance employees work at the facility, and 200-300 drivers come in and out each day, Elliot said. The Green Bay, Wis.-based company also said, based on initial checks, all of its employees are “safe and accounted for.” The center is operating on backup power and phones have been redirected according to emergency plans.
The National Weather Service said two tornadoes touched down in the Dallas-Fort Worth metro area during the afternoon, and that one or both reportedly damaged trucking yards and truckstops in the region.