The chief economist for the American Trucking Associations — Bob Costello — will offer the economic address at the CCJ Spring Symposium Tuesday, May 21.
The Symposium will be held May 20-22 at the Renaissance Ross Bridge Resort in Birmingham, Ala.
Costello manages ATA’s collection, analysis and dissemination of trucking economic information and conducts economy analyses of proposed regulations and legislation affecting the trucking industry.
His session is titled “Outlook for Trucking” and is designed to, as the title implies, offer an insight into what trucking companies and fleets can expect in the coming year as far as freight and economic conditions are concerned.
Registration for the Spring Symposium is open, and the early bird rate is available through April 12. The early bird registration rate is $395 and includes all accommodations, sessions, meals and either a round of golf or a spa session.
After April 12, the price jumps to $595.