Tom Heine, CEO of Aljex Software, announced the launch of a new transportation technology company, Inspection Data Systems, Inc. (IDS) that will develop and market cloud-based transportation equipment inspection solutions for smartphones and tablets.
“We see a need in transportation for itemized inspections that can be completed using mobile devices that almost everyone has with results available on the Internet in real time,” Heine said. “We’ve formed IDS to meet that need.”
Heine said that Kyle Gholston, a transportation veteran with substantial experience in trucking and high-end logistics, has been tapped to lead IDS. Most recently, Gholston headed Conexus LLC, an international logistics company based in Tulsa, Okla.
“At IDS we will create solutions that help fleets and drivers improve critical CSA scores, comply with state and federal regulations, and eliminate the need for paper forms, among other good things. I have seen the real-world need for exactly the kind of technology that we will be providing. I’m looking forward to this challenge,” Gholston said.
Outlining the concept, Gholston said that with the free, downloadable IDS application, customers will be able to acquire an equipment-specific electronic inspection solution from the Internet. Using that solution on a smartphone or tablet, they will be able to complete an inspection on a truck, a bus, a rail car, a piece of machinery, or virtually anything else. Completed inspection data will upload to IDS servers where they will be available immediately for customers, Gholston explained.
“Aljex has created one such system specifically for trailer inspections. Another Aljex customer has asked for a similar application to inspect new products at the time of delivery,” Gholston said.
“Now we’re accepting beta partner registration. Beta partners can use the service at no cost in exchange for feedback. It isn’t necessary to download or install software,” he noted.
(beta registration at