Grote spotlights clearance/marker lamps

Updated Aug 24, 2011

Grote Micro Nova Dot Clearance Marker Lamps

Grote Industries’ MicroNova Dot family of clearance/marker lamps offer dual-intensity capabilities designed to resist dimming thanks to a rectifier diode that protects their LEDs. The lamps come in red, amber or white and are available in P2- and PC-rated versions that allow them to meet the photometric requirements for a broad spectrum of applications.

The P2 designation means that the MicroNova Dot can be used as either a sidemarker lamp or a clearance lamp, but not both at the same time. The PC designation means the lamp will meet light angularity requirements for both the clearance and sidemarker lamps simultaneously. The white version of the lamp is suited for access, stairs and compartment lighting.

The lamps, which come in 12V- or 24V ECE-rated models, require no mounting fasteners and have a profile that extends 3/8-inch from the mounting surface. An optional adapter allows the lamps to function in a dual-intensity mode for applications such as high-mount center lamp configurations.