Mentor Engineering touts new Ranger in-vehicle computer

Updated Aug 15, 2012

Ranger4 Front CopyMentor Engineering’s Mentor Ranger 4.0 rugged in-vehicle computer is designed to provide real-time electronic dispatching of work orders and job time tracking while enabling in-vehicle navigation, tracking and instant communications. Ranger also is designed to function as an electronic onboard recorder and to monitor speeding, and has an integrated G-force sensor for tracking unsafe driver behaviors such as hard braking, acceleration and swerving.

New internal antennas are built to be tamper-proof, take up less space and lead to simpler installation. Ranger 4.0 is Bluetooth- and Wifi-enabled, and integrated Can-Bus connectivity provides engine data collection and reporting, while ethernet and extra ports provide flexibility for system integration. The device is built rugged to last in a harsh vehicle environment and to handle shock and vibration.