World’s Largest Truck Convoy event this weekend in Virginia

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Updated Oct 12, 2016
The World’s Largest Truck Convoy continues in Virginia this weekend where it will raises awareness and funds for the Special Olympics.The World’s Largest Truck Convoy continues in Virginia this weekend where it will raises awareness and funds for the Special Olympics.

Don’t panic and alert social media if you happen to see dozens of semis being escorted by law enforcement on the highway this weekend.

They’re not heading to Area 51.

Just relax and be thankful for the drivers participating in the World’s Largest Truck Convoy, an annual fundraising event for Special Olympics, which this year will take place in 38 states and Canada. The single-day driving events, which usually last for a few hours, kicked off in September.

In Virginia this Saturday, over 100 trucks are expected to pack Interstate 95 for the fundraiser. They’ll be led by Virginia State Police as part of their annual Law Enforcement Torch Run.

“The World’s Largest Truck Convoy is a unique one-day celebration in which law enforcement will escort a convoy of trucks through cities and towns in 38 states and Canada,” Virginia State Police spokesman Sgt. Steve Vick told “The event will raise funds and awareness for Special Olympics’ athletes. In 2015, over $30,000 was raised and 154 trucks participated in the nearly 50-mile convoy in support of Special Olympics Virginia.”

Traffic delays, of course, are expected during the four-hour convoy, which begins at 10 a.m.

“Motorists should expect delays from the Meadow Event Park along Route 30 to Interstate 95 southbound between Doswell and Exit 84B and along Interstate 295 northbound to Interstate 64 eastbound to Bryan Park and Interstate 95 northbound, ending at the Meadow Event Park,” Vick said.

Registration for the Virginia event starts at 8 a.m. The driver’s $125 registration fee includes lunch. Tickets are available for guests who would like to attend the celebration lunch at 12:15 p.m. Adults pay $10 while kids eat for $5.

For more information or sponsorship opportunities, contact Meghan Massie at 757.962.1575 or [email protected].

To find out more about World’s Largest Truck Convoy events in your area, visit and scroll down to click on your state. When the next screen pops up, scroll down half-way to select that state’s website.

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Despite efforts to alert the public about the World’s Largest Truck Convoy, there are those who still don’t get the message and are often baffled over what is probably the largest truck convoy they’ve ever seen.

“Are we in the Twilight Zone?” Adam Hicks is heard asking on video recorded during last year’s event.

As Hicks traveled in his car on Interstate 64, a female passenger recorded the action and was equally surprised at the seemingly endless convoy.

“I want to re-iterate the interstate is blocked off. No incoming traffic,” the passenger said. “This is Interstate 64, Richmond. No idea what’s going on. This is getting more and more bizarre.”

Hicks posted the video on Facebook where to date it’s gotten roughly 6.4 million views. You can watch it here.