CARB expands $28M funding program for small fleets, independents

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The California Air Resources Board on Wednesday, May 19, announced changes to an existing $28 million financial assistance program intended to help more California independent truckers qualify for the purchase of a cleaner-running vehicle. CARB says the changes made to the statewide Voucher Incentive Program will make funding available to a larger variety of trucks that will help owners comply early with the statewide truck and bus regulation passed in 2008.

VIP, which is part of the Carl Moyer air quality program, is a streamlined diesel on-road voucher program intended to help small independent truck owners get a cleaner-running truck sooner. “The board understands the need to expand our financial assistance programs, and these changes give more small fleet and individual truck owners access to money to clean up their vehicles,” says CARB Chairman Mary Nichols. “This will help a lot of small business owners comply with the law, and also ensure we continue the state’s efforts to fight pollution from diesel trucks and clean up the air.”

The specific changes to VIP:
• Medium heavy-duty trucks with a gross vehicle weight of 19,501 pounds and above now qualify. Previously, only heavy-heavy-duty trucks with a declared vehicle weight greater than 60,000 pounds qualified;
• Trucks with mileage as low as 15,000 miles per year now are eligible. Previously, a truck had to operate a minimum of 30,000 miles per year or consume 4,700 gallons of diesel fuel per year during the previous two years;
• High-mileage trucks can get up to $45,000 in voucher money. Previously, the maximum amount of a voucher was $35,000;
• Trucks with 2002 and older engines may qualify for a newer truck. Previously, only trucks with 1993 and older engines were eligible; and
• A new funding option of up to $10,000 per truck for an exhaust retrofit is available.

Participating truck dealerships or retrofit installers can help business owners check eligibility and apply for a voucher. Grants are made on a first-come first-served basis, and qualifying applications are reviewed and approved within five business days. For a list of participating dealerships and installers, go to