ABF city driver earns company’s Platinum Safe Driving Award

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David McAllister, an ABF city driver domiciled in Salisbury, Mass., has earned an ABF Platinum Safe Driving Award, becoming just the sixth driver to earn this distinction. The Platinum Award recognizes city drivers who have driven accident-free for more than 60,000 consecutive hours.

“David McAllister has earned the highest safety award available to an ABF city driver, previously attained by just five other ABF city drivers,” says Wes Kemp, ABF president and chief executive officer. “We are proud to honor him for his professionalism behind the wheel and his outstanding safety record. Everyone at ABF greatly appreciates David’s hard work and dedication, and we’re proud of the way he represents ABF and the trucking industry.”

McAllister has driven for ABF for 29 years. In each of those years, he has earned an annual safe driving award. “This is truly an amazing and impressive accomplishment,” says Sam Cates, ABF safety and security director. “David has safely maneuvered his equipment in busy urban settings for almost 30-years without a preventable accident. ABF is extremely proud of David for achieving this milestone in his career and for reaffirming that ABF has the safest and best drivers in the industry.”

McAllister joins an elite group of ABF Platinum Safe Driving Award winners that includes retiree Robert McCormick of Macon, Ga., David Miller of Charleston, W.V., retiree Robert Mutz of San Antonio, Kenneth Scott of Wilkes Barre, Pa., and James Tranchita of Chicago.

The road driver equivalent of the Platinum Safe Driving Award is the Four Million Mile Safe Driving Award, which also recognizes accident-free driving. Only three ABF road drivers have achieved this milestone: David Arrowsmith and James Lovell of Little Rock, Ark., and Darrell Gruenefeld of Kansas City, Mo.