Aljex Software announced deployment of a new generation of servers for its Web-hosted transportation software for brokers, carriers and other transportation companies. The new hardware consists of SAN (Storage Area Network) servers.
“It’s very fast, very reliable and very redundant,” says Tom Heine, Aljex chief executive officer. “Even more exciting is its ability to back up customer data in snapshots just minutes apart – in real time for all practical purposes.”
The SAN servers are deployed in clusters of three. Each cluster is associated with a rack of hard drives and is linked with another cluster in another hosting location. Aljex servers are widely separated in Denver, Philadelphia, Dallas, Los Angeles, Asheville, N.C., and at company headquarters in Middlesex, N.J. They are all on Internet backbone with multiple main trunk connections. The newest generation of servers are located in Cincinnati and Columbus, Ohio.
The new SAN servers assure maximum uptime for Aljex customers, Heine says. “If one server goes down, you keep running,” he says. “If two servers go down, you keep running. If a whole cluster goes down, the system automatically switches to another location, and you keep running.”