Lee TranServices, a provider of compliance and risk management support for trucking companies, recently announced several new enhancements to its driver qualification system. Lee TranServices says the new changes allow its clients to customize the system to suit their needs and better manage employee files in one location.
“Many carriers are using paper files and documentation that are kept at various locations and terminals,” ays Jackie Garner, senior vice president of operations for Lee TranServices. “With our system, all of the employee documents and background information is in one easily-managed secure place.”
According to the company, the newest version of the Lee Trans DQ System offers extended driver classes and customization. DQ 3.0 features also include the option of an online driver application; more detailed and specific representations of U.S. Department of Transportation and company compliance numbers; the ability to control user access by the class of drivers in a fleet; the ability to customize personal information and the images processed by employee type; and employer verification options for DOT regulated drivers as well as non-DOT and office personnel alike.
“The three main components to DQ 3.0 are the online driver application; custom compliance tracking for non-DOT drivers, configurable driver types, office personnel and other employee types; and a finer granularity of user permissions,” says N.G. Schmidt, director of information technology at Lee TranServices. “This allows our clients to manage all their employees while maintaining FMCSA requirements for DOT drivers and to utilize features like electronic signatures to streamline the hiring process. The new system user permissions allow users to only have access to their driver and employee types.”
The online driver application will save carriers a significant amount of time, and the other features will help carriers meet full compliance, in addition to making their entire employee management process much easier, says Garner. Lee TranServices plans to have all of its clients upgraded to the new DQ system by the end of the month.