ICYMI Index: 6 key numbers from last week’s trucking news

Some of last week’s top trucking news, by the numbers:

Blumenauer2That’s the amount per gallon a proposed piece of legislation would raise the fuel tax. Some trucking groups support the measure as a way to ensure adequate funding for U.S. roadways.


15260525143_2da6af110e_kThe number of miles it took a special Kenworth T880 to carry the U.S. Capitol Christmas Tree from Minnesota to the Capitol Building. Click here to see a photo gallery of the truck and tree.


Nicaragua_canal_proposals_20132The year the new Nicaraguan Canal is expected to open, which could potentially quadruple the amount of freight on the Eastern seaboard. How will the canal impact trucking?


ProStar_ES_Windtunnel_Low2The fuel economy boost International says its new ProStar ES series tractor will see over its 2010 ProStar. The truck was unveiled Friday, Dec. 5.


used-truckTruck orders in November topped the 40,000 mark for the second straight month and neared an all-time high. Analysts say fleets are preparing to increase capacity for 2015, as they expect freight to boom.


Screen Shot 2014-12-08 at 8.46.21 AMThe number of jobs trucking added in November, joining the more than 300,000 jobs added to the U.S. economy in the month.