As earnings reports for the second quarter continue to come in for fleets, manufacturers and others, here’s a look at earnings reports from some of the larger fleets that have reported second quarter earnings so far.
UPS: UPS’ total revenue increased 1.2 percent it reported this week, and diluted earnings per share were $1.13, down slightly compared to the same period last year, when earnings per share were $1.15. UPS says it expects is adjusted diluted earnings per share in 2013 to be between $4.65 and $4.85. 2012’s diluted earnings per share was $4.53. UPS’ revenue grew to $13.51 billion in the quarter from $13.35 billion in 2012’s second quarter. Its operating profit, however, fell $50 million from $1.79 billion in last year’s second quarter to $1.74 billion in 2013’s 2Q. Click here to see UPS’ full second quarter report.
JB Hunt: JB Hunt’s second quarter revenue, operating income and diluted earnings per share all rose compared to the second quarter of 2012. The company’s earnings per share were 73 cents, up from 67 cents in the same quarter last year, while its revenue was up 10 percent to $1.38 billion — $120 million higher than 2Q 2012’s $1.26 billion. The company reported net earnings of $87.7 million in the quarter, up from $80.5 million in the same quarter in 2012. Click here to see JB Hunt’s full second quarter report.
Werner: Werner Enterprise’s revenue, net income and earnings per share all fell compared to the same period in 2012. The company’s total revenue fell from $522 million to $507 million, while its earnings per diluted share fell 16 percent from 2012’s second quarter to 35 cents, down from 42 cents. Its net income fell from $31 million to $26 million. Year to date, the company saw similar drops in earnings per share, net income and total revenue. Click here to see the company’s full second quarter report.
Marten: Marten Transport’s earnings per share were the same in the second quarter of this year as last year’s second quarter, 23 cents per share, but it’s net income in the quarter grew from $7.6 million to $7.7 million. Year to date, though, it’s net income is up 14 percent to $14.9 million, up from the $13 million reported in the same period in 2012.
Ryder: Ryder System’s earnings per share jumped to $1.19, up from 91 cents in the same quarter last year., and it reported earnings of $62.6 million, up from 2012’s 2Q earnings of $46.8 million. Its total revenue in the quarter was $1.6 billion, up $40 million from the $1.56 billion reported in the second quarter last year. Operating revenue was up $40 million, too, to $1.31 billion.